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Enabling a cloud operating model

A modern approach to provision, secure, connect, and run your cloud resources

The cloud demands a new operating model:  Datacenter primitives are changing as companies move from static to dynamic infrastructure, implement security and networking policies based on identity rather than IP addresses, and turn to  automated self-service platforms in lieu of manual ticketing systems. But while this digital transformation accelerates development and shrinks go-to-market times, it also renders much of the previous generation of tools and processes obsolete. 

To fully realize the benefits of cloud computing, enterprises must transition to scalable dynamic workflows and management at every cloud layer. In this white paper, you'll learn: 

  • How to deploy shared services enabled by platform team to improve speed, increase efficiency, and decrease risk
  • The value of a cloud operating model across infrastructure, security, networking, and application cloud layers
  • The role a platform team plays in implementing a maturity model to successfully deploy a cloud operating model

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