SE Hangout

Vault Secrets Via API for the REST of Us

Learn how to access Vault whether you're in a full stateful environment or a minimalist sidecar.


In this solutions engineering hangout, HashiCorp solutions engineer John Boero will walk through the basics of managing Vault secrets and accessing REST APIs without having a binary CLI or UI. This talk will include some minimalist hotwired tricks for when you don't even have curl. For example, you might be in a restrictive environment such as a minimalist container.


  • Isn't OpenSSL is more heavy as compared to curl?
  • Are there plans to support file-based secrets?
  • How hard is it to perform the authentication process via REST? This is for the case of getting a token as part of the script as opposed to having one already provisioned.
  • Are you recommending that we should use bash script as the most lightweight option for containers to communicate with Vault?


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