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A guide to enabling zero trust security

Traditional methods for securing infrastructure, data, and access rely on IP-based perimeters with networks, firewalls, and other physical access restrictions. But as companies move from static datacenters to dynamic cloud environments, infrastructure security requires a different approach — one based on identity. 

HashiCorp’s zero trust security framework is centered on the principle of identity-based access and security. For any machine or user to do anything, they first need to authenticate who or what they are. Their identity and policies then define what they’re allowed to do. 

This guide covers how HashiCorp Vault, Consul, and Boundary apply identity-based access and security across the four pillars of multi-cloud security in a zero trust world:

  • Machine authentication and authorization
  • Machine-to-machine access
  • Human authentication and authorization
  • Human-to-machine access 

You’ll learn how HashiCorp’s approach to zero trust security provides a solid foundation for companies to safely migrate and secure infrastructure, applications, and data.

Learn more about about zero trust security and Security Lifecylce Management here 

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