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IDC white paper: The Business Value of HashiCorp Consul

Modern cloud applications are complex. They’re made up of hundreds — or even thousands — of distributed microservices that span public and hybrid cloud platforms. For seamless, secure connectivity between these applications, you need a robust service networking architecture.

In this white paper, IDC breaks down the business value that organizations receive from HashiCorp Consul — including a 461% ROI over three years. 

You’ll learn how Consul transforms network infrastructure with identity-based service networking for service discovery, secure communication, and network automation in multiple cloud and runtime environments. 

Download the report now to read more about how you can use Consul to:

  • Empower development teams by minimizing friction associated with IT resource limitations
  • Accelerate agility, leading to better business outcomes
  • Use resources more efficiently across on-premises and cloud infrastructure
  • Simplify operations with network automation, centralized service discovery, and policies

Learn more about Security Lifecylce Management here

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