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AWS re:Invent 2017: HashiCorp Booth, Demos, Announcements, and more

We are excited to be part of AWS re:Invent again this year in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event is a great place to connect face-to-face with community and customers, a great showcase of our ongoing work with AWS, and a perfect location to announce day-1 support for one of their newly released services.

»The HashiCorp and AWS Partnership

Over the last year our partnership with AWS has continued to strengthen with a focus on integrations to make it easier for HashiCorp and AWS users to get started with the cloud. During this period we have worked with AWS to launch the Consul and Vault on AWS, and Nomad on AWS Quick Start guides, and collaborated on webinars including Create, Change, and Orchestrate AWS Infrastructure with Terraform and Fanatics discussing How to Build a Secure Cloud with AWS and HashiCorp Vault.


This year we are silver sponsors at AWS re:Invent and will be at booth #440. There will be engineers and sales engineers available at the booth throughout the conference to talk about Terraform, Vault, Consul, and Nomad. Every hour we will also be hosting live demos for one of the products. Swing by the booth to see the demo schedule for Wednesday and Thursday.


For those of you attending the conference, there are a number sessions you may want to check out to hear directly from users and customers of HashiCorp:

»Day-1 Support for Amazon MQ Service

HashiCorp Terraform is the tool to provision and manage infrastructure using infrastructure as code. Today we announced Terraform support for Amazon MQ, announced at re:Invent. Terraform enables operators to codify Amazon MQ brokers and configurations for those brokers, in Terraform templates to combine with other AWS services or the infrastructure of their choice. For more information about supported resources see aws_mq_broker or aws_mq_configuration in the documentation.

resource "aws_mq_broker" "example" {
  broker_name = "example-broker"
  configuration {
    id = "${}"
    revision = "${aws_mq_configuration.example.latest_revision}"
  engine_type = "ActiveMQ"
  engine_version = "5.15.0"
  host_instance_type = "mq.t2.micro"
  security_groups = ["${}"]
  user {
    username = "operator"
    password = "InsecurePassw0rdChangeMe"
resource "aws_mq_configuration" "example" {
  name = "example-cfg"
  engine_type = "ActiveMQ"
  engine_version = "5.15.0"
  data = <<DATA
<broker xmlns="">
  <plugins><forcePersistencyModeBrokerPlugin persistenceFlag="true"/></plugins>


If you are attending re:Invent, come by booth #440 to see a live demo and talk to HashiCorp engineers. Booth visitors can learn more details about the open source products and are eligible for extended a free trial of the HashiCorp Enterprise products. To learn more about HashiCorp open source and Enterprise offerings, visit

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