New Terraform Planning Options: -refresh=false, -refresh-only, -replace
Make changes to your infrastructure in Terraform Cloud and Terraform Enterprise faster with the new -refresh=false, -refresh-only, and replace planning options.

Announcing HashiCorp Terraform Cloud Business Tier
Today we’re announcing availability of the new Business tier offering for Terraform Cloud which includes enterprise features for advanced security, compliance and governance, the ability to execute multiple runs concurrently, and flexible support options.
Org-Specific Audit Log Events in Terraform Enterprise
Today we are announcing the ability for customers running Terraform Enterprise in a multiple organization configuration to identify the originating organization for all audit events.
Team Visibility Settings for Terraform Enterprise and Cloud
We are excited to announce team visibility settings for Terraform Enterprise and Cloud. These settings provide an improved workflow to delegate ownership of workspaces and manage access for specific teams.
Announcing Business-aware Policies for Terraform Cloud and Enterprise
Today we’re announcing the ability for policy as code workflows, within Terraform Cloud and Terraform Enterprise, to retrieve data from multiple business systems via what we’ve called Business-aware Policies.
Announcing tfrun import for Sentinel in Terraform Enterprise and Cloud
HashiCorp Terraform users who are implementing policy as code with HashiCorp Sentinel have been looking for improved ways to write policies that are broad enough to apply to their entire organizations while also being able to accomodate the detail or needs specific to individual groups within the organization. To help support this need, Sentinel policies now support enforcement decisions based on data from context in which policies are run.