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HPN (HashiCorp Partner Network) Renewal Policy

Upon expiration of the subscription term of Partner's Order Form, subject to the End Customer electing to renew their subscription(s) with Partner, then HashCorp shall not increase the Partner's subscription unit prices by more than 5% annually, provided that:

  • Partner's HashiCorp Partner agreement remains in effect at time of renewal.

  • Subscription Products renewed remain commercially available. HashiCorp shall notify Partner in event any products are no longer available or renewable and parties will negotiate in good faith replacement products at mutually agreed prices. The 5% uplift above shall only apply to renewable products.

  • All products in the expiring Order Form(s) are renewed and each renewed products' quantities are at least equal to the End User's sum total subscribed volume of the products at time of renewal.

  • Renewal Order Form term is, at a minimum, 12 months.

  • Renewal Order Form is executed at least 30 days prior to the immediately preceding subscription term end.

  • Order Forms are priced in United States dollars (US$) For avoidance of doubt, if any mutually agreed terms in Partner's Order Form(s) due for renewal differ or conflict with above, the Order Form terms shall take precedence.