Recorded Webinar

Fully Managed Service Networking with HCS on Azure

Learn how to leverage Consul's Service Discovery and Service Mesh features within your Kubernetes (AKS) or VM-based applications while offloading the maintenance and health of Consul's infrastructure to HashiCorp.


HashiCorp Consul Service (HCS) on Azure enables your team to provision HashiCorp-managed Consul clusters directly through the Azure Marketplace. As a fully managed service, HCS on Azure lowers the barrier to entry for your organization to standardize on Consul for secure service networking across any Azure compute environment by enabling you to:

  • Offload provisioning, management, and upgrades to HashiCorp.
  • Automatically leverage the latest built-in networking and security best practices.
  • Implement Service Registration, Service Discovery, and Service Mesh at your own pace using a crawl/walk/run approach.
  • Enable secure service discovery and traffic routing consistently across all AKS and Azure Compute environments.

What You'll Learn

In this demo, you'll see the latest security features in action, including custom CIDR ranges, ACL bootstrapping, and a securely accessible Consul Web UI. HashiCorp Product Manager Alex Jauch and Developer Advocate Erik Veld will walk through an introduction of the capabilities, provide a demo, and answer live questions from the audience.


0:00 — Introduction to Consul and HashiCorp Consul Service (HCS) on Azure

15:57 — Demo: HCS on Azure public beta example workflows

24:30 — Demo: Migrating from Monolith to Microservices with HCS on Azure

52:44 — Q&A


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