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Testing Infrastructure as Code on Localhost

This demo uses open source tools terratest with localstack to write useful tests for your Terraform infrastructure in your local environment.

HashiTalks is a community event and not all use cases are endorsed officially by HashiCorp.

Speaker: Samuel Kihahu

Infrastructure as code has become the standard for DevOps / SRE teams in creation and management of cloud infrastructure resources. As a result, the need to validate the infrastructure code is critical to identify and resolve issues. This testing also has a cost implication as actual resources will be created on commercial cloud environments.

In this talk, Samuel Kihahu will use the Go library terratest in combination with the open source project localstack to write useful tests for infrastructure as code written in terraform on your local environment. He will also explore the advantages such testing offers as well as the limitations.


You can find the slides from HashiTalks: Africa presentations in this HashiCorp Community Forum page.

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