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All posts by Rosemary Wang
Reload SSL certificates from HashiCorp Vault for Spring Boot
Reload SSL certificates from HashiCorp Vault for Spring Boot

Update applications with new certificates from Vault’s PKI secrets engine using SSL hot reload in Spring Boot.

5 steps to set up Vault for widespread adoption at your org
5 steps to set up Vault for widespread adoption at your org

Apply this framework to introduce HashiCorp Vault into your organization and ease developer adoption.

Kubernetes secrets management with HCP Vault Secrets
Kubernetes secrets management with HCP Vault Secrets

Learn how to sync secrets from HCP Vault Secrets to Kubernetes with Vault Secrets Operator.

Use Vault to manage API tokens for the Terraform Cloud Operator
Use Vault to manage API tokens for the Terraform Cloud Operator

Learn how to use Vault Secrets Operator to retrieve API tokens, synchronize them to Kubernetes Secrets, and reference them in the Terraform Cloud Operator.

X.509 certificate management with Vault
X.509 certificate management with Vault

In this blog post, we’ll look at practical public key certificate management in HashiCorp Vault using dynamic secrets rotation.

How I use Boundary to build automation for live streams
How I use Boundary to build automation for live streams

Discover how HashiCorp Developer Advocate Rosemary Wang uses HashiCorp Boundary on live streams to automate access to servers and record commands to build into future automation.

Installing HashiCorp tools in Alpine Linux containers
Installing HashiCorp tools in Alpine Linux containers

Learn the installation and verification workflow for any Linux distribution that does not include HashiCorp software in its package repository.

Testing HashiCorp Terraform
Testing HashiCorp Terraform

Learn testing strategies for Terraform modules and configuration, and learn how to run tests against infrastructure.

Deploy Consul on Kubernetes with Argo CD
Deploy Consul on Kubernetes with Argo CD

Learn how to use GitOps to deploy and synchronize a Consul cluster on Kubernetes with Argo CD.

How to become a developer advocate: Part 4, submitting to a call for papers
How to become a developer advocate: Part 4, submitting to a call for papers

Four steps toward writing a great abstract to submit to a conference call for papers (CFP).

Deploy Consul cluster peering locally with Minikube
Deploy Consul cluster peering locally with Minikube

Use Minikube to create multiple Kubernetes clusters with Consul and test cluster peering configurations in your local development environment.

Using Consul’s transparent proxy on virtual machines
Using Consul’s transparent proxy on virtual machines

Configure Consul’s transparent proxy on virtual machines to find and connect to services in the service mesh with DNS.

HashiCorp Tools Explained Using a Minecraft World
HashiCorp Tools Explained Using a Minecraft World

Visit our Minecraft world and learn how HashiCorp Vault, Consul, Nomad, and Boundary all work through fun analogies. Join us at HashiConf Global 2022 — in Los Angeles or online Oct. 4-6.

Refresh Secrets for Kubernetes Applications with Vault Agent
Refresh Secrets for Kubernetes Applications with Vault Agent

Learn the system signal and live reload methods for updating Kubernetes applications when secrets change. See an example via a Spring Boot application.

Configuring Azure Application Gateway with Consul-Terraform-Sync
Configuring Azure Application Gateway with Consul-Terraform-Sync

Synchronize HCP Consul services as backend address pools for Microsoft Azure Application Gateway using Consul-Terraform-Sync (CTS).

Improve Observability with OpenTelemetry and Consul Service Mesh
Improve Observability with OpenTelemetry and Consul Service Mesh

Add OpenTelemetry to your Java or .NET applications on Kubernetes and combine them with Consul service mesh metrics and traces for use with Prometheus and Jaeger.

Manage Kubernetes Secrets for Flux with HashiCorp Vault
Manage Kubernetes Secrets for Flux with HashiCorp Vault

Configure the Secrets Store CSI driver with HashiCorp Vault to securely inject secrets into Flux or other GitOps tools on Kubernetes.

Using HashiCorp Consul with Kong Ingress Controller for Kubernetes
Using HashiCorp Consul with Kong Ingress Controller for Kubernetes

Configure Kong Ingress Controller for Kubernetes with transparent proxy on HashiCorp Consul service mesh to manage traffic to and between your Kubernetes services.

Automated Canary Deployment with HashiCorp Consul and Spinnaker
Automated Canary Deployment with HashiCorp Consul and Spinnaker

Automate a canary analysis and deployment with Spinnaker, Prometheus, and HashiCorp Consul service mesh on Kubernetes.

Managing HashiCorp Consul Access Control Lists (ACLs) with Terraform & Vault
Managing HashiCorp Consul Access Control Lists (ACLs) with Terraform & Vault

When multiple teams use Consul, it becomes difficult to correlate manually managed policies with the identity accessing it. In this blog, we'll show you an automated method to ensure least-privilege access to Consul using Terraform and Vault.

Creating Workspaces with the HashiCorp Terraform Operator for Kubernetes
Creating Workspaces with the HashiCorp Terraform Operator for Kubernetes

We are pleased to announce the alpha release of HashiCorp Terraform Operator for Kubernetes. The new Operator lets you define and create infrastructure as code natively in Kubernetes by making calls to Terraform Cloud.

Application Feature Toggles with HashiCorp Consul
Application Feature Toggles with HashiCorp Consul

In this post, we demonstrate how to manage application feature toggles (also known as feature flags) when using HashiCorp Consul and consul-template.

Tracing .NET Applications with HashiCorp Consul
Tracing .NET Applications with HashiCorp Consul

In this post, we will examine how to use distributed tracing and HashiCorp Consul's service mesh capabilities for observing requests to and between applications running .NET or .NET Core frameworks.

Feature Toggles, Blue-Green Deployments & Canary Tests with Terraform
Feature Toggles, Blue-Green Deployments & Canary Tests with Terraform

In this post, we demonstrate some approaches to feature toggling, blue-green deployment, and canary testing of Terraform resources to mitigate impact to production infrastructure.

Demonstrating HashiCorp Tools with Dance Dance Automation
Demonstrating HashiCorp Tools with Dance Dance Automation

In this post, we outline how we built Dance Dance Automation to demonstrate the use of HashiCorp Nomad, Terraform, and Consul and document some of the challenges along the way.

Using the Kubernetes and Helm Providers with Terraform 0.12
Using the Kubernetes and Helm Providers with Terraform 0.12

In this post, we'll look at how we can use Terraform 0.12, the Kubernetes provider, and the Helm provider to deploy services to Kubernetes clusters. From Kubernetes ExternalDNS to Consul Helm charts, we can use Terraform to pass attributes from infrastructure to Kubernetes services and manage deployment configuration.