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Terraform is a platform for building, changing, and managing infrastructure in a safe, repeatable way.

Terraform 1.8 improves extensibility with provider-defined functions

New in Terraform 1.8: Provider-defined functions let users extend Terraform with custom capabilities. Plus, refactoring can now be done across resource types.

Terraform 1.8 improves extensibility with provider-defined functions
Terraform extension for VS Code speeds up loading of large workspaces
Terraform extension for VS Code speeds up loading of large workspaces

New releases of the HashiCorp Terraform extension for Visual Studio Code and Terraform language server significantly reduce memory usage and start up time for large workspaces.

Why use Vault-backed dynamic credentials to secure HCP Terraform infrastructure?
Why use Vault-backed dynamic credentials to secure HCP Terraform infrastructure?

Learn how HCP Terraform and Terraform Enterprise users can use Vault-backed dynamic credentials to secure their infrastructure during provisioning better than the base-level dynamic provider credentials.

HCP Terraform adds granular API access for audit trails
HCP Terraform adds granular API access for audit trails

HCP Terraform eliminates the need to rely on organization permissions to the audit trails endpoint, streamlining permissions workflows and reducing risk.

Simplifying assertions in Terraform using provider-defined functions
Simplifying assertions in Terraform using provider-defined functions

Learn about assertion and validation strategies for Terraform using the Terraform Assert utility provider. Plus: how to continuously validate your infrastructure using HCP Terraform.

Terraform adds a new setting to manage team tokens
Terraform adds a new setting to manage team tokens

HCP Terraform and Terraform Enterprise improve team API token management, streamlining permissions workflows and reducing risk.

Solving the data security challenge for AI builders
Solving the data security challenge for AI builders

This demo highlights the potential risks of using contextual data with LLMs and demonstrates how HashiCorp Vault can integrate with Pinecone to tackle AI data security challenges.