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HashiCorp at the “Big 3” cloud vendor conferences in 2024

Missed or want to revisit one of our speaking sessions from Google Cloud Next, Microsoft Build or AWS re:Inforce? Find the recordings for our sessions on Infrastructure and Security Lifecycle Management below.

»Google Cloud Next

»Scale infrastructure as code: Proven strategies and productive workflows

Learn the proven strategies and approaches to creating scalable infrastructure, as code, with HashiCorp Terraform.  This talk covers how large organizations find success in structuring projects across teams, architect globally available systems, securely share sensitive information between environments, set up developer-friendly workflows, and more.  This session discusses these topics in-depth and shows them in action with a live demo and codebase that deploys many services across multiple teams.

»Multi-project, multi-runtime, multi-region infrastructure as code

You’ve provisioned your cloud resources with infrastructure as code. A year later, you find yourself refactoring it to better manage resource usage and dependencies and add a new region, runtime, or project. In this session, you’ll learn the patterns and practices to go from zero to the multi-region, multi-runtime, multi-project, multi-cloud scale. By establishing the foundation for scale in the beginning, you can lessen your refactoring effort and add new runtimes, regions, projects, and even clouds to your system.

»Microsoft Build 

»Boosting developer productivity with an AI-powered developer portal

Learn about HashiCorp Developer AI, a new AI-powered interface for the HashiCorp Developer portal.

Embedded on this Microsoft Build page

»Simplifying Kubernetes deployment with Terraform for OpenAI

This hands-on session deploying Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters using Terraform, focusing on seamlessly integrating OpenAI capabilities. Learn how to leverage the tfk8 tool to construct manifests efficiently and deploy an application. We'll guide you through the process of setting up an AKS cluster and deploying a Cloud-native application, showcasing the simplicity and speed afforded by Terraform.

Embedded on this Microsoft Build page

»AWS re:Inforce 

»Security lifecycle management in a multi-cloud world

With distributed teams working in hybrid environments, it can be a challenge for platform and security teams to protect their infrastructure. Unauthorized access often starts with a stolen credential and can escalate into lateral movement and infiltrated information. Today, many teams don’t have visibility into all of the places their secrets and sensitive data live, whether these passwords and credentials are in code repositories, developer laptops, or are appropriately managed or stored. Watch this lightning talk to learn how HashiCorp’s security lifecycle management capabilities help organizations continuously protect secrets, certificates, and other credentials; inspect their digital estate for unsecured credentials; and connect authorized machines, services, and people.

»HashiDays 2024

»Next-generation developer experience with AWS and HashiCorp Terraform

This session from HashiDays 2024 covers the next generation developer experience with AWS and HashiCorp Terraform. You will learn how AWS and HashiCorp are empowering builders with developer tools and services powered by generative AI to build, deploy, and scale resilient cloud applications quickly. In this session, you will learn how AWS CodeWhisperer, GenAI code companion and HashiCorp Terraform help you to accelerate the modernization of your applications.

To learn more about HashiCorp’s presence at upcoming technology conferences, please visit HashiCorp Events.

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