SE Hangout

Using New Sentinel Features in Terraform Cloud

In this webinar, we will explore some Sentinel policies that use the v2 imports and re-usable functions.


Over the past few months, HashiCorp has released two very significant enhancements to Sentinel in Terraform Cloud.

  1. Second generation (v2) versions of the tfplan, tfconfig, and tfstate Sentinel imports. These allow Sentinel policies to be written in a much more compact fashion.
  2. Sentinel modules which allow Sentinel functions defined in one file to be used in policies defined in other files without having to paste the entire body of the function as was previously the case. Instead, you can just import the functions with a single line in the same way that you import Sentinel imports themselves.

In this webinar, HashiCorp Solutions Engineer Roger Berlind will discuss these new features and walk through some new third-generation example policies and functions that use them. You'll get to see four prototypical third-generation Sentinel policies, review the third-generation common functions, and learn how you can test these policies with the Sentinel CLI and use them in your Terraform Cloud or Terraform Enterprise organizations.

Video Sections

0:00 — Sentinel in Terraform Cloud and Terraform Enterprise

12:49 — New Sentinel Features (Sentinel Modules & Terraform Sentinel v2 Imports)

18:37 — The Evolution of Sentinel Policies

25:54 — Demo: Some Prototypical Third-Generation Sentinel Policies & Common Functions

40:21 — Demo: Testing and Using the Third Generation Sentinel Policies

42:12 — Demo: Deploying Policies in Terraform Cloud or Enterprise

49:15 — Live Q&A

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