Recorded Webinar

Migrating from VMs to Kubernetes using HashiCorp Consul Service on Azure

See HCS on Azure in action with a migration from Azure-based VMs to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and running different parts of an application from the two environments.

Many only know HashiCorp Consul as a network automation and service discovery tool, but many are beginning to discover that Consul is one of the best networking components for microservices and as a gradual on-ramp to Kubernetes and containerization.

What You'll Learn

In this webinar you'll see HashiCorp's Consul Service (HCS) on Azure in action, facilitating migration from VMs to Kubernetes. The demo will walk you through having an existing Consul cluster running on Azure's Managed VMs, spinning up an HCS managed Consul cluster that is ready to connect with an AKS cluster, and migrating part of an application to AKS while still connecting to the rest of the application that's still on Managed VMs.

You'll see how Consul can also use traffic splitting and other progressive delivery features.

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