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Video Recordings From HashiConf EU 2019: Keynotes and Breakout Sessions

2019 saw the return of HashiConf EU, a three-day, two-track European conference complete with training, talks, and major product announcements. This video provides a glimpse of what the experience was like in Amsterdam at the beginning of last month:

The conference had nearly 800 attendees—almost double the number of attendees from HashiDays Amsterdam in 2018. We also built out an expanded keynote hall in this year’s venue. You can watch the venue come together in this time-lapse setup and conference video. Of course, more people also meant more caffeine: we served around 2,100 espresso drinks over the three days.

Most importantly, HashiConf EU was built around the content. Every year we're inspired by the diversity of use cases for HashiCorp tools and the number of companies using them. We had more talks submitted during our call for papers this year than ever before. We’re also excited to share these sessions with you both on-site and via video recordings. Today, we are pleased to share 25 different videos of our HashiConf EU keynotes and breakout sessions.

A number of the videos listed below include edited transcripts, and we have more to come. You can also visit this link to the HashiCorp Resource Library to filter talks by product, case studies, demos, and more.

»Day One

»Day Two

If you liked these presentations but are looking to participate in the face-to-face discussions and in-person networking that happen at HashiCorp conferences, don’t fret. There are still tickets available for HashiCorp’s flagship community conference, HashiConf, taking place this September in Seattle. More information here.

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