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All posts by Justin Weissig
The State of Vault and Kubernetes, and Future Plans
The State of Vault and Kubernetes, and Future Plans

Get an overview of the most common ways to use HashiCorp Vault and Kubernetes together, and get a preview of a new method we're considering.

HashiCorp Vault 1.12 Adds New Secrets Engines, ADP Updates, and More
HashiCorp Vault 1.12 Adds New Secrets Engines, ADP Updates, and More

The new HashiCorp Vault 1.12 focuses on improving core workflows and making key features production-ready.

HashiCorp Vault 1.11 Adds Kubernetes Secrets Engine, PKI Updates, and More
HashiCorp Vault 1.11 Adds Kubernetes Secrets Engine, PKI Updates, and More

Vault 1.11 focuses on improving Vault’s core workflows and making key features production-ready.

HashiCorp Vault 1.10 Achieves FIPS 140-2 Compliance
HashiCorp Vault 1.10 Achieves FIPS 140-2 Compliance

HashiCorp Vault Enterprise 1.10 has been evaluated as conformant with the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 standards.

HashiCorp Vault 1.10 Adds Login MFA, PKI to Use HSMs, Usage Metrics, and More
HashiCorp Vault 1.10 Adds Login MFA, PKI to Use HSMs, Usage Metrics, and More

HashiCorp Vault 1.10 improves Vault’s core workflows and makes key features production-ready to better serve your use cases.

Multi-Region Replication Now Available with HCP Vault
Multi-Region Replication Now Available with HCP Vault

New HCP Vault Plus Clusters adds high availability replication of secrets and policies across cloud regions.

Announcing HashiCorp Vault 1.9
Announcing HashiCorp Vault 1.9

Vault 1.9 can act as an OIDC provider, includes general availability of a key management secrets engine for Google Cloud, and updates to Transform, Namespaces, and the UI.

Security in the Cloud: It’s Complicated
Security in the Cloud: It’s Complicated

The inaugural HashiCorp State of Cloud Strategy survey highlights the importance — and the surprising complexity — of security issues in cloud and multi-cloud adoption.

Announcing HCP Vault Starter
Announcing HCP Vault Starter

HCP Vault Starter — now generally available on AWS — offers a production-grade 3-node cluster at a reduced price point.

Announcing HashiCorp Vault 1.8
Announcing HashiCorp Vault 1.8

Vault 1.8 offers a new Vault Diagnose command, Key Management secrets engine AWS GA support, updates to Integrated Storage Autopilot, and more.

Announcing HCP Vault General Availability
Announcing HCP Vault General Availability

HCP Vault is now generally available on AWS. HCP Vault gives you the power and security of HashiCorp Vault, without the complexity and overhead of managing it yourself.

Announcing HashiCorp Vault 1.7
Announcing HashiCorp Vault 1.7

This release features a new Integrated Storage Autopilot feature along with production readiness for Tokenization via Transform and the Key Management Secrets Engine.

Announcing HCP Vault Public Beta
Announcing HCP Vault Public Beta

HashiCorp Vault is now available on HashiCorp Cloud Platform in public beta.

Automate Secret Injection into CI/CD Workflows with the GitHub Action for Vault
Automate Secret Injection into CI/CD Workflows with the GitHub Action for Vault

We are happy to announce that we have an officially supported HashiCorp Vault GitHub Action. GitHub Actions allow you to easily automate your CI/CD developer workflows to run actions against repositories based on triggers within GitHub. The Vault GitHub Action allows you to take advantage of secrets sourced from your HashiCorp Vault infrastructure for things like static and dynamic secrets and inject these secrets into your GitHub workflows.

Announcing HashiCorp Vault Resource Quotas
Announcing HashiCorp Vault Resource Quotas

With Vault 1.5, we added a new feature called Resource Quotas, which allows you to protect your Vault environment's stability and resource consumption in a predictable way from runaway application through the use of request rate limiting and counters.

Announcing OpenShift Support Via the HashiCorp Vault Helm Chart
Announcing OpenShift Support Via the HashiCorp Vault Helm Chart

We are excited to announce the HashiCorp Vault Helm chart has been updated with RedHat OpenShift 4.X support. We have extended the existing Helm chart to support installing and running Vault Enterprise on OpenShift.

Securing VMware and NetApp Data with HashiCorp Vault
Securing VMware and NetApp Data with HashiCorp Vault

We are excited to announce that HashiCorp Vault Enterprise has successfully completed product compatibility validations for both VMware vSphere and NetApp ONTAP. Vault Enterprise can be used as a flexible, very cost-effective, and scalable external key manager solution using the built in Key Management Interoperability Protocol (or KMIP) standard for securing and encrypting the storage systems.

Announcing the HashiCorp Vault Helm Chart
Announcing the HashiCorp Vault Helm Chart

This week we're releasing an official Helm Chart for Vault. Using the Helm Chart, you can start a Vault cluster running on Kubernetes in just minutes. This Helm chart will also be the primary mechanism for setting up future roadmapped Vault and Kubernetes features. By using the Helm chart, you can greatly reduce the complexity of running Vault on Kubernetes, and it gives you a repeatable deployment process in less time (vs rolling your own).