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Videos from HashiConf 2019: Keynotes and Breakout Sessions

This year’s HashiConf was a return to HashiCorp’s spiritual birthplace: Seattle, Washington. HashiCorp co-founders Armon Dadgar and Mitchell Hashimoto first met as students at the nearby University of Washington and began to work on early versions of public cloud infrastructure. What they observed were many of the same core problems cloud users are having today:

  • Difficulty standardizing and codifying infrastructure deployments
  • The absence of a strong security perimeter in the cloud
  • Complexity in the process of networking with the appearance of exponentially more application services

These core challenges became the focus for HashiCorp’s products. These products—and the way they are being used to enable multi-cloud infrastructures—were the focus of this year’s HashiConf presentations. Organizations such as Google, Microsoft, Starbucks, Xfinity Mobile, Datadog, Kong Cloud, State Farm, and Petco spoke about how they use HashiCorp Terraform, Vault, Consul, Nomad, Packer, and Vagrant.

A sold-out crowd of over 1,600 attendees this year—400 more than joined last year’s conference—saw case studies, demos, and keynote sessions introducing Terraform Cloud’s GA feature set and HashiCorp Consul Service on Azure: the first fully managed service mesh. Today, we have all 40+ breakout sessions and keynotes available to watch. They are listed below in the order the sessions were presented.

A number of the videos listed below include slides and transcripts, and more are being added soon. Several breakout session and hallway track speakers have shared their HashiConf slides in this community forum thread. You can also visit this link to filter talks by product, case studies, demos, and more.

»Day One

»Day Two

»See you again in 2020

HashiConf US 2020, our flagship community conference in North America, will take place in San Diego, CA October 13-15, 2020. Early Bird tickets are already available..

HashiConf EU 2020, for our European community, will once again take place in Amsterdam, NL June 8-10, 2020. Book your Early Bird ticket here.

Interested in speaking at a HashiConf next year? The CFP for both conferences will open on January 9, 2020, so please check the above sites then.

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