All posts by Bruno Schaatsbergen

Access Azure from HCP Terraform with OIDC federation
Securely access Azure from HCP Terraform using OIDC federation, eliminating the need to use long-lived credentials for authentication.

Access AWS from HCP Terraform with OIDC federation
Securely access AWS from HCP Terraform using OIDC federation, eliminating the need to use access keys.

Simplifying assertions in Terraform using provider-defined functions
Learn about assertion and validation strategies for Terraform using the Terraform Assert utility provider. Plus: how to continuously validate your infrastructure using HCP Terraform.

Access Google Cloud from HCP Terraform with workload identity
Securely access Google Cloud from HCP Terraform using workload identity federation, eliminating the need to store service account keys.

Terraform 1.8 provider functions for AWS, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes
See usage examples of Terraform 1.8's new launch-day provider-defined functions for AWS, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes.