Terraform Cloud no-code provisioning adds module version upgrades in beta
No-code provisioning adds more Day 2 operations. Users can now update the module version used in their no-code workspaces.

Terraform Cloud no-code provisioning is now GA with new features
No-code provisioning is now GA for Terraform Cloud Business, providing validated self-service infrastructure, additional security through more granular permissions, and ease of use with variable options as dropdowns.

Introducing Sentinel Policies to the Terraform Registry (Beta)
Terraform Sentinel policies are now available in the Terraform Registry so you can publish policies you want to share and search the Registry for policies you need.

Announcing Azure Stack Hub Provider 1.0
The new HashiCorp Terraform Azure Stack provider 1.0 includes several provider behavior improvements, 19 new resources, and supports a new service for Key Vault.

Terraform AzureRM 3.0 Brings Enhanced Azure Function Support
AzureRM 3.0 brings significant parity between the Azure provider for Terraform and Azure services currently available. Review the breaking changes as you prepare to upgrade.