HashiCorp Serf 0.8
Today we are releasing Serf 0.8. Serf is a decentralized solution for cluster membership, failure detection, and orchestration. Serf is in use in some huge deployments (more than 10,000 machines in a single cluster), and powers Consul and Nomad. This release brings improvements in Serf's gossip protocol which provide better robustness for applications that rely on Serf to detect the health of nodes in a cluster. It also includes some smaller updates and one important bug fix. You can download Serf 0.8 here or view the changelog Read on to learn more about the gossip protocol improvements in Serf 0.8.
glibc's CVE-2015-7547 and HashiCorp Tools
CVE-2015-7547 was announced on the morning of February 16th. We would like to address HashiCorp users on how this affects any HashiCorp tooling.

HashiCorp Serf 0.7
Today we are releasing Serf 0.7. Serf is a decentralized solution for cluster membership, failure detection, and orchestration. Serf is in use in some huge deployments (more than 10,000 machines in a single cluster), and powers Consul and Nomad. This release brings a major new network tomography subsystem which allows you to build a map of network round trip times for your cluster. It also includes a number of smaller improvements around better handling of misconfigured and misbehaving networks. You can download Serf 0.7 here or view the changelog Read on to learn more about the major new features in 0.7.