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Recorded Webinar

Snapshots India: Boundary Target-Aware Workers

Boundary deployment patterns can often be complex in the multi-datacenter and multi-cloud operating models, usually driven by the desire to reduce latency or comply with security standards.

In this session, we explore how Boundary's Target-Aware Workers can be applied to effectively control which workers are allowed to handle a given target's session. This leverages worker tags to ""tie"" a worker to a given target. A common pattern using this approach can enable a single set of controllers to live in one region with workers in many other regions or networks where the targets they proxy live.

Agenda (IST)

  • 10:00amWelcome and Introduction
  • 10:05amDemo
  • 10:15amQ&A



Anthony Burke
Anthony Burke

Sr. Solutions Engineer, HashiCorp

Nidhi Mishra
Nidhi Mishra

Senior Solutions Engineer, HashiCorp