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Palo Alto Networks

Recorded Webinar

Network Security Automation with HashiCorp Consul-Terraform-Sync and Palo Alto Networks

Organizations are looking for greater agility and scale for their application deployments. Application teams are adopting new practices and technology such as DevOps, Infrastructure-as-Code, and microservices architectures with a focus on enabling self-service and faster application deployment. With that comes increased complexity for managing the security policies and compliance for those applications. This is exacerbated by the impedance mismatch with the security teams who use manual processes which are much slower. Organizations like HashiCorp and Palo Alto Networks are partnering together to help address this challenge and enable faster, more secure application deployments.


In this session we’ll briefly review the partnership and its relevant integrations thus far, the impact of Consul-Terraform-Sync on Network Infrastructure Automation and how, with Palo Alto Networks, to embed consistent and frictionless security into your multi-cloud or hybrid environment.

Who should attend: Cloud and security architects, developers, members of the network and cloud security teams.


Nathan Pearce
Nathan Pearce

Consul Specialist, HashiCorp

Migara Ekanayake
Migara Ekanayake

Global Solution Architect, Security Automation, Palo Alto Networks