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Recorded Webinar

Snapshot Demo: Enhancing Security with Vault’s SAML Authentication Feature

In an era where securing digital assets is paramount, HashiCorp Vault emerges as a quintessential tool for managing secrets and protecting sensitive data. The introduction of SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) authentication further amplifies Vault's fortification capabilities. This session aims to unfold the new SAML authentication feature, detailing its mechanism, benefits, and the seamless integration it offers with existing systems.

You will learn how Vault's SAML authentication facilitates a robust Single Sign-On (SSO) solution, thereby simplifying the user authentication process while bolstering security, enhances access control and reduce identity management overhead.

Through this live demonstration, we'll illustrate the straightforward process of configuring SAML authentication in Vault, showcasing the benefits of Vault’s SAML authentication in fostering a secure, efficient, and compliant operational landscape.

Snapshots Agenda (SGT/AEDT)

  • 10:30 SGT / 13:30 AEDTWelcome and Introduction
  • 10:35 SGT / 13:35 AEDTDemo
  • 10:50 SGT / 13:50 AEDTQ&A
  • 11:00 SGT / 14:00 AEDTEnds



William Yang
William Yang

Senior Solutions Engineer