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Partner Tier: Premier


Dynatrace provides software intelligence to simplify cloud complexity and accelerate digital transformation.

Cloud Verified

  • Consul
  • Vault

Enterprise Verified

  • Vault
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terraformTerraform provider for Dynatrace

Terraform provider implementation of Dynatrace REST API. This provider can be used to configure assets in Dynatrace SaaS or Managed offering.

consulConsul integration with Dynatrace

Dashboards and alerts for the Consul control plane. This is valid for metrics ingested via DynatraceStatsD and requires non-K8s Consul servers configured to export the metrics used.

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consulConsul Service Mesh

This extension utilizes Consul's built-in StatsD export capability to collect metrics from non-Kubernetes Consul instances, both self-managed instances and instances that are managed by HCP Consul.

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vaultVault & Synthetic Monitoring

Use Vault to store username & passwords for use in synthetic monitors for testing API endpoints and websites.

vaultHCP Vault & Synthetic Monitoring

Use HCP Vault to store username & passwords for use in synthetic monitors for testing API endpoints and websites.


Product Types

terraformTerraform provider for Dynatrace

Terraform provider implementation of Dynatrace REST API. This provider can be used to configure assets in Dynatrace SaaS or Managed offering.

consulConsul integration with Dynatrace

Dashboards and alerts for the Consul control plane. This is valid for metrics ingested via DynatraceStatsD and requires non-K8s Consul servers configured to export the metrics used.

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consulConsul Service Mesh

This extension utilizes Consul's built-in StatsD export capability to collect metrics from non-Kubernetes Consul instances, both self-managed instances and instances that are managed by HCP Consul.

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vaultVault & Synthetic Monitoring

Use Vault to store username & passwords for use in synthetic monitors for testing API endpoints and websites.

vaultHCP Vault & Synthetic Monitoring

Use HCP Vault to store username & passwords for use in synthetic monitors for testing API endpoints and websites.