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Partner Tier: Premier


Firefly scans your entire cloud footprint and Terraform states to determine which parts of the cloud are codified, drifted or unmanaged. Then, Firefly automatically generated code to turn unmanaged resources and configuration drifts into managed assets described as code in your Terraform OSS or Terraform Cloud repository that matches your desired state of cloud. By integrating to Terraform Cloud run tasks, Firefly also enables teams to move faster by helping them foresee the implications of any planned change in the cloud on other untargeted resources, before deployment.

Cloud Verified

  • Terraform
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terraformTerraform Cloud Run Tasks for Firefly

Firefly integrates with Terraform Cloud run tasks to help Cloud teams to cast a cloud safety net and foresee the implications of any change to your cloud in other untargeted assets before deploying it - ensuring you keep moving faster without breaking your cloud.

Get started

terraformTerraform Cloud Discovery & Codification for Firefly

Firefly scans your entire cloud footprint and SaaS applications, and Terraform states to determine which parts of your cloud are codified or unmanaged. Then, it automatically turns unmanaged resources and configuration drifts into managed assets described on Terraform in your repository of choice. Firefly continuously compares your IaC to your actual cloud configuration to identify drift, misconfiguration, and policy violations to ensure your cloud remains in its desired state.


Product Types

terraformTerraform Cloud Run Tasks for Firefly

Firefly integrates with Terraform Cloud run tasks to help Cloud teams to cast a cloud safety net and foresee the implications of any change to your cloud in other untargeted assets before deploying it - ensuring you keep moving faster without breaking your cloud.

Get started

terraformTerraform Cloud Discovery & Codification for Firefly

Firefly scans your entire cloud footprint and SaaS applications, and Terraform states to determine which parts of your cloud are codified or unmanaged. Then, it automatically turns unmanaged resources and configuration drifts into managed assets described on Terraform in your repository of choice. Firefly continuously compares your IaC to your actual cloud configuration to identify drift, misconfiguration, and policy violations to ensure your cloud remains in its desired state.