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Terraform for Serverless: Best Practices, Lessons Learned

In this video, HUG community member Eugene Istrati shares the discoveries from his foray into serverless architecture with Terraform.

Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. Best practices include a collaborative approach to infrastructure provisioning, use of version control systems, preventing manual changes, and efficient management of boundaries between different teams, roles, applications, and deployment tiers.

In this session, you'll go on a journey from early serverless "never thought our dreams would ever come true" adopters to enterprise "why are we still dealing with this crap" developers. Learn several lessons and best practices that go beyond the official documentation.

This talk was part of the first HashiTalks online event—A 24-hour continuous series of presentations from the worldwide HashiCorp User Group (HUG) community and from HashiCorp engineers as well. The event took place from February 21-22, 2019.

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