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HashiCorp, DevOps, and the Application Delivery Process

Today we are excited to formally release DevOps Defined, a guide for adopting DevOps to accelerate application delivery. Two years ago we published our Tao of HashiCorp, in which we detailed the design principles and philosophy behind our tools. Since then we have launched several new open source projects including Vault and Nomad which follow the Tao. It has been an extremely useful resource for giving our technology a shared direction.

However, technology is just one aspect software development. Software organizations are composed of people, processes, and technology. While it's easy to focus on just the technology, it is ultimately just an enabler of successful people and process. Thus, it's important to understand the workflows and productivity of the people that power software organizations. Our organizations should be designed to align teams through empowering workflows. To us, that is the essence of DevOps.

Developers, operators, and security teams to work together in parallel

Just as we defined our technology design philosophy with the Tao of HashiCorp, we've defined how software teams across development, operations, and security can increase productivity and work in parallel with DevOps Defined. With these goals of DevOps in mind, it provides our technology development with a clear direction — build tools that empower development, operations, and security professionals to be more productive.

Read the full DevOps Defined guide to learn about the seven elements of application delivery, how to organize a DevOps organization to increase application delivery, and how to use technology to empower development, operations, and security professionals within that organization.

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