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HCP Vault on Microsoft Azure Now in Public Beta

In addition to its availability on AWS, HCP Vault can now be deployed on Microsoft Azure infrastructure.

Vault on the HashiCorp Cloud Platform enables organizations to get Vault clusters up and running quickly and get access to powerful secrets management and encryption capabilities.

Previously available as a hosted service on Amazon Web Services (AWS), we are excited to announce that HCP Vault is now available on Microsoft Azure and can streamline secrets management for workloads running on Azure Virtual Machines (VMs) or Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

This announcement marks the latest milestone in the HashiCorp and Microsoft collaboration, providing a multi-cloud workflow, push-button deployment, and a fully managed infrastructure.

»What Is Included in HCP Vault on Azure Beta?

HCP Vault on Azure initially supports the HCP Vault Development tier, which is a single-node cluster designed for proof-of-concepts and non-production workloads. Over time, we plan to expand the beta to include the HCP Vault Starter and Standard tiers. The beta is free for all users.

Supported regions for the HCP Vault Azure beta include:

United States Europe
West-us-2 North-europe
Central-us West-europe
East-us UK-south
East-us-2 France central

»How to Get Started

From the HashiCorp Cloud Platform, users can select Azure for their HVN as a deployment option from the HCP UI or when using the HCP Terraform provider. Check out these developer guides to get started today:

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