Terraform is a platform for building, changing, and managing infrastructure in a safe, repeatable way.
Terraform 1.10 improves handling secrets in state with ephemeral values
Terraform 1.10 is generally available, and it includes ephemeral values along with improvements to plan and apply performances.

A smoother HCP Terraform workspace experience
Learn how to automate HCP Terraform workspace setup and onboarding with the TFE provider, a custom module, and good requirements gathering.

ServiceNow Terraform plugin updates: No-code execution mode, key-value tags, and enhanced security
The ServiceNow plugins for Terraform are being updated with new enhancements that implement no-code execution mode, key-value tags, and increased encryption security enhancements.

Which Terraform workflow should I use? VCS, CLI, or API?
Learn about the three levels of HCP Terraform run workflows and key considerations to guide your decision on when to use each approach.

Access Azure from HCP Terraform with OIDC federation
Securely access Azure from HCP Terraform using OIDC federation, eliminating the need to use long-lived credentials for authentication.

Enabling fast, safe migration to HCP Terraform with Terraform migrate (tf-migrate)
There’s a faster, safer way to migrate your infrastructure state files from Terraform Community Edition to HCP Terraform and Terraform Enterprise.

Fannie Mae’s process for developing policy as code with Terraform Enterprise and Sentinel
Learn how to implement the policy as code development lifecycle used in the highly regulated cloud environments at Fannie Mae.