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Security is at the core of everything we build. We’re committed to safeguarding your data and infrastructure by investing in the necessary tools, training, and support. Learn more about how we bake security into our solutions and platform.

Security at HashiCorp

We know our users place a high level of trust in HashiCorp and the products we make to manage mission critical infrastructure. The security of customer data, of our products, and our services are a top priority. HashiCorp’s best-in-class security starts at the foundational level and includes internal threat models, routine internal and external security assessments, and secure software development.

Security team

HashiCorp has a fully staffed team of security professionals dedicated to securing, protecting and improving the security posture of the company and its products. The broader security team consists of:

  • Detection & Response

  • Cloud Security

  • Product Security

  • Corporate Information Security

  • Red Team, and

  • Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC).

Compliance program

We have a team dedicated to our compliance program and are committed to providing our customers with all relevant security documentation to build a foundation of trust in our company and products. Currently, we have a SOC 2 Type 2 report, ISO 27001, ISO 27017 and ISO 27018 certifications covering the following Products:

If you have any additional questions around our security program, please email

Penetration tests

HashiCorp hires external, reputable third parties to perform regular security assessment and penetration testing of our products. Enterprise customers can email to request extracts from these reports.


HashiCorp respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your Personal Information (any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual). Our belief is that any Personal Information provided to us by you is just that: personal and private.

We do not rent, sell or trade your Personal Information.

Our full privacy policy is available at To submit a data subject request please visit For any privacy related questions, please email


HashiCorp takes all abuse complaints seriously and can assist in investigation of abuse associated with HashiCorp-managed services.

Information regarding how to report abuse is available at

The Acceptable Use Policy can be found at

PGP public key

HashiCorp’s current PGP public key can be fetched from Keybase or from most keyservers with the key ID 72D7468F and fingerprint C874 011F 0AB4 0511 0D02 1055 3436 5D94 72D7 468F. It is also available at

Secure communications

The current PGP public key referenced above can be used to encrypt email to

Release archive checksum verification

If you would like to verify the checksum of a HashiCorp product download (specifically, an archive from, please note that only the SHA256SUM file is signed by the PGP key above. The archives themselves are not signed, but rather hashed. To verify the integrity of a particular archive:

  • Download the archive, SHA256SUM, and SHA256SUM.sig files (multiple .sig files may be present, named with the associated signing PGP key ID)

  • Verify the SHA256SUM file is properly signed

  • Verify the SHA256SUM in the file matches the archive

For example:

# Import the public key as referenced above.
curl -s | gpg --import

# Download the archive and signature files.
curl -Os
curl -Os
curl -Os

# Verify the signature file is untampered.
gpg --verify vault_1.15.2_SHA256SUMS.sig vault_1.15.2_SHA256SUMS

# Verify the SHASUM matches the archive.
shasum -a 256 -c vault_1.15.2_SHA256SUMS --ignore-missing

For a more detailed tutorial on how to verify a Hashicorp product download, please see

Linux package checksum verification

HashiCorp's Linux repositories and packages, as announced in 2020, are signed with a separate GPG key. This is available at and, and has the fingerprint 798A EC65 4E5C 1542 8C8E 42EE AA16 FCBC A621 E701.

Please note that there was a previous signing key used prior to January 23, 2023, which had the fingerprint E8A0 32E0 94D8 EB4E A189 D270 DA41 8C88 A321 9F7B. This certificate was revoked on April 24, 2023.

Product binary signature verification

HashiCorp Authenticode signs Microsoft Windows executables and code signs Apple macOS executables.

Apple macOS

Use Apple's codesign utility to verify the integrity of an Apple macOS executable and pay attention to the TeamIdentifier field which should match the one below.

codesign --verify -d --verbose=2 /usr/local/bin/terraform

Authority=Developer ID Application: Hashicorp, Inc. (D38WU7D763)
Authority=Developer ID Certification Authority
Authority=Apple Root CA

Microsoft Windows

Windows binaries may be signed by certificates with thumbprints matching 7868E4F55FD7B047CD8BF93FEA8C38509CFB59396F1DCD6FE62C173708E26E25D19656E413277816, or 35AB9FC834D217E9E7B1778FB1B97AF7C73792F2.

Use Microsoft's Get-AuthenticodeSignature cmdlet to verify the integrity of a Microsoft Windows executable. For example:

(Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath terraform.exe).SignerCertificate | Format-List

Subject      : CN="HashiCorp, Inc.", O="HashiCorp, Inc.", L=San Francisco, S=California, C=US
Issuer       : CN=DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US
Thumbprint   : 35AB9FC834D217E9E7B1778FB1B97AF7C73792F2
FriendlyName :
NotBefore    : 16/01/2020 00:00:00
NotAfter     : 20/01/2023 12:00:00
Extensions   : {System.Security.Cryptography.Oid, System.Security.Cryptography.Oid, System.Security.Cryptography.Oid,